
MM 七月去台灣 Melody Makers are going to Taiwan in July!

我們很高興地宣布:MM 七月會去台灣!我們其中一個人聲樂團會跟當地的海鷗‧K人聲樂團在七月三十日於A House表演!詳情可瀏覽A House網站:http://ahousetaipei.pixnet.net/blog/post/63992143


We are very happy to announce that one of our Vocal Bands is heading to Taiwan in July! We are going to have a "double feature" with Seagull-K Vocal Band on 30 July in A House, which is the first "a cappella Live House Cafe in Taiwan". Please visit A House's website for more details (Chinese only): http://ahousetaipei.pixnet.net/blog/post/63992143

Besides, we have another special performance in this trip. Stay tuned for more details!


很久不見! Hello again!

大家好, 很久不見! 有沒有掛念我們呢? 無伴奏合唱節之後, 我們還是在努力練習, 為了預備夏天月份的表演. 現在有不同的新組合, 將會在七月和八月跟大家見面!

其中一個大型表演將會在八月舉行, 我們將跟Die Konzertisten合唱團演出巴赫的一首巨作, 詳情將於稍後公佈.

現在先送上之前在2010香港藝術發展獎頒獎典禮的片段, 稍後再會!

Hello everyone! Have you missed us? We have been busy rehearsing for upcoming summer performances. We'll be presenting you with new groups in July and August!

We will also be joining forces with Die Konzertisten to bring you one of JS Bach's masterpieces this August. Stay tuned for more details.

Here is a relatively recent clip of HKMM at the 2010 Hong Kong Arts Development Awards ceremony, where HKFYG received a Gold Award for Arts Education (Non-school Division)

See you soon!